Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Day Job

Over the past several months I have begun to like my job more. This is partly due to becoming more busy and partly due to gaining some friends here who I can laugh at all the happenings with. Seriously, this place has a full cast of characters, and I have stories daily. I think I’ll begin to share some of my favorites.

The other day “K” sent me this email (I’ve encoded some of the names though for anonymity – not that anyone reads this thing, but whatever):

Hands down hilarious... it’s entertainment like this that makes this job such a joy. So, I'm in the kitchen making my lunch and spill some water on the floor. I obviously am busy during this time so hadn't wiped it up when in walks Cher who says, "Ohhhh look at all that water, that cant be good, looks like there is a leak, wonder where it is coming from!" and proceeds to get on her hands and knees and search for the source of this "leak"...little does she know that the source is my Fiji bottle on the counter. Anyway, she gets up and says, "that's weird. I should let Guss and Dina know about this" and she goes and gets Guss who then also gets on hands and knees looking for the leak. Now they're both on their knees and I'm sitting their waiting for my toast to pop up about to wet my pants at the sight of two adults on hands and knees looking for some nonexistent leak. Needless to say they never found it, I never spoke up, and G is going to "have it looked into"... I almost died of laughter!