Thursday, October 25, 2007

Raining in Baltimore

Lesson of the day: Take note of dimensions when you're looking at a blueprint. If a blueprint says that a kiosk is 42 3/4 inches wide, then a 60 inch plasma screen will not fit into it. Seriously now.

Well, the first day of Annual Meeting is over. Actually, my first day is over - the whole thing doesn't actually start until tomorrow. All in all, I guess today went fairly smoothly. I made my 6 am flight and checked into my hotel without any glitches. Most of the day at the convention center when fairly well also. However, around 2:30 the girl who designed everything left and things began to fall apart. Biggest problem was that I had no idea what had been ordered or where anything should really be going. And, secondly that my boss impressed the idea on everyone that bigger is better, and we had two TV's that were about 30 inches too large. O well, we managed to figure it out in the end.

So, it's raining here, and it sounds like it will be for the next 4 days or so. At least my hotel is nice.


The Becca Machine said...

well i wouldnt have been able to read the blueprints. then again i can't parallel park either.