Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Beauty of Associations

The longer I work for my company, the more I begin to realize why it is that people get sucked into staying there, especially considering it's in the damn suburbs. The key factor here is that it's an association, which is ironically also the main source of frustration. I'm slowly learning that associations as a rule have greater benefits than most companies. For starters, I'm never really expected to work overtime; if I can't meet a deadline, I typically am able to just push it back. Also, I receive comp time for any weekend that I work. We're also allowed to purchase additional vacation days. And, let's be honest, I truly get paid a decent amount for what I actually do - I mean I spend a decent amount of my day gossiping w/ coworkers (which is especially funny since my boss said that I don't seem like a gossiper during my review). Best of all, today we got a snow day. What?!?! Works do that? Kate's school wasn't even canceled. O well, I'm not going to complain. The day off gave me some time to look for a new apartment, which I think I might have actually found. However, I don't want to jinx it, so I'll wait until a later date to discuss details.