Monday, January 28, 2008

Lovely Monday

Picture this… it’s early on a cold, dreary Monday morning and you’re grudgingly making your way to work.

From a distance, you see an orangish piece of paper on your windshield. You think to yourself, “O hell no, I did not get another ticket – if those @sswholes gave me another ticket…” But as you walk closer you realize it is not a ticket and must be some flyer. Then you realize that there are no other cars around you with “flyers” and the mind begins to quickly ponder other possibilities, none of which are very good.

And then you notice something else on your windshield next to it, but you’re not quite sure what.

Thankfully, the perpetrator left a lovely note explaining...

I honestly think I stood there for a good 5 minutes trying to grasp the whole situation and then I just started laughing. I mean, what else can you do really.
I do feel sorry for my poor car though - she really has been through a lot.

So, if you start to feel like you’re having a shitty week, just picture me literally wiping shit off my car on a Monday morning. Again, my life might as well be a Seinfeld episode.


The Becca Machine said...

i hope u forwarded this to grandma and uncle jim. i must admit it really doesnt get much worse than this.