Sunday, January 06, 2008

Move #4

So, here I am sitting in my new bed, in my new apartment. My 4th apartment in less than a year to be exact (I know, I know - and I imagine I'll be moving again in June). This is quite possibly one of the weirdest feelings ever. I honestly feel like I’m staying in someone else’s place. Best part is that I haven’t even seen my new roommates since I first saw the place 3 weeks ago.

Well, one just walked in and now I’m contemplating whether or not I should go out there. I feel like I should, but for some reason I’m actually kind of nervous.

Alright, just did and nothing too major. It was actually the guy I’ve talked to the most. O, so did I mention that I’m living with 2 guys. One is a teacher up in Wilmette and the other is a professional poker player. Yes, for real. I haven’t really talked to this one, but I have high hopes that he’ll be able to teach me a thing or two and then I can hustle some of you guys I used to play with.


The Becca Machine said...

you should ask the teacher if wilmette has any openings