Monday, March 10, 2008

Kiss, Kiss

Believe it or not, I’ve been at my job for nearly a year. At times I feel like I just left grad school and at others I feel like I’ve been at this hellhole for ever. Obviously, I no longer like my job, or the majority of the people who work there. And, the damn commute is enough to slowly drive me insane, literally. The one saving grace to this has been carpooling with Luda for the past 8 months or so. Seeing as how she is typically up for anything, we’ve managed to have our fair share of interesting moments out in the suburbs.

Thursday night commutes seem to be the worst for some reason, which in turn leads to our most random conversations – ranging anywhere from a game of “would you rather” to detailing out the advertising campaigns of our latest business venture.

Last Thursday we were simply out of topics – I suppose this is bound to happen when you spend a minimum of 10 hours a week, for 7 months straight with the same person. Anyway, Kristie asks me if I’ve ever made out with a girl, which then lead to a long discussion on what percentage of girls have actually made out with another girl. She was of the opinion that it was very high, while I held that it was fairly low. Seeing as how we were trapped in a car with no real way to explore this, I decided to text various friends in an effort to conduct my own poll.

I have to say, the initial results surprised me. 4 had made out with another girl, 4 had kissed another girl, and 1 refused to answer leading me to assume she had made out. And there was no one who had done nothing.

Always wanting to be extremely thorough in my research, the poll was kept up over the weekend, and made for excellent bar conversation. The more random people we asked at the bar, the more we heard that everyone makes out. And, this knowledge prompted Steve to encourage us to go ahead and make out with each other so that we kept up with the masses. Although I typically do succumb to peer pressure and love to fit in, for once my better judgment held firm and I decided that I was simply too old for such shenanigans.

Now if only I had remembered that I am too old to get wasted 2 nights in a row…