Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Last Tuesday marked Kristie’s last day at work. Since that time, I have at least 5 people ask me about the situation and why there wasn’t an all-staff email notifying everyone. My response to this is simply that I shouldn’t say anything at all or else I might be libel to say something to get fired over. I have had at least another 5 people ask me how I’m going to function without my buddy and whether or not I’m going to be leaving for the city as well. My responses to this are that I did not really see her at work and that my resume is being worked on as we speak.

Yesterday I decided to get my face wax while at work. Let me give you a little back story here: K started going to this place first and then brought me along. Naturally the workers there loved her more because she talks to absolutely everyone and tries to "bring a little sunshine to their day." So, they typically charge me anywhere from $2 to $6 more for the same exact services. One would think that this would teach me to be friendlier, but it doesn't. I simply get amused at the random prices they decide to charge me.

Anyways, the first thing out of the little Asian's mouth was "where your friend?" I said, "o, she quit and no longer works w/ me." you should've seen the look of shock on her face. And then after a lengthy and uncomfortable conversation in broken english they recommended that I go work with her.

Side Note: Gas is $4.05 outside Becca's apartment. I'm not going to be afford my job much longer at these prices...


Insight from Leticia said...

dude, what happened? call me.

The Becca Machine said...

you should write a blog about your trip to cali. meanwhile i will just pray that i never see the rat that is living in my kitchen bc i think it may scar me

The Becca Machine said...

UPDATE: gas is now $4.25 outside becca's apartment! the news did a report last night on how chicago right now has the highest gas prices in the entire country outbeating new york and all the other supposedly more expensive cities.