I suppose one of the main reasons for my absence is because I've been journaling a little on my own. Every now and then I sort of feel like I'm going through some sort of transition phase - and this time I've been a little more introspective than usual. And, while I've always used my blog as sort of a journal, there are some things that the entire world doesn't need to know about.
With that being said, obviously there have been numerous blog worthy events over the past 3 1/2 months. Here are a few of the updates:
- I had my second experience in CA - Beverly Hills to be exact. The memories from this are some old lawyer (as in 58ish) trying to convince me to go home with him because he knows no one my own age would like me (there were more details here, but that is the gist). For my last night, Nida decided to show me a night on the town and we headed to the Peninsula where I actually met Ryan Seacrest. Yep, I'm serious, and I'm sure I looked like the typical dumb tourist with my mouth hanging open. As Nida would say, "Deb, I told you, this is LA baby."
- I didn't win my full deposit back. While I am 100% convinced that I was right and 95% confident that I would have won in court, in the end I decided to just give it up. Some things just aren't worth the fight. The upside of this is that I'm know very knowledgeable in Chicago renting laws and tenant rights. I told Trish I would serve as her advisor when they go to rent her condo.
- Leticia visited and it was awesome to see her. Thanks to Hill, I even managed to score some cubs tickets at the last minute (although I did want to kill her when she showed up extremely late b/c she took her roommate to the airport). The visit made me realize how much I miss everyone. Elena and I have discussed and we want to try to plan a Dallas trip - probably sometime around January/February.
- Dan was married. Although I bailed out early (thanks to the wine) it was nice catching up with eveyeryone, and getting to hear a tiny bit of gossip. I think the weirdest thing was watching the first of the boys get married, and I guess really the first of my very close friends. It seems like everyone is growing up and getting married. It's times like this where I stop for a moment and wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life. I mean, everyone is getting engaged and buying houses while I'm still sitting here writing about cubs games and canoe trips. But, then there are other days where I wonder why anyone wouldn't want my life and if it is right to have so much fun.
- Since the Julie's annual canoe trip had to be canceled this year, Hill and Baker organized a canoe trip on the Wisconsin River. Quick recap is that I shouldn't go out with Luda the night before and that the Wisconsin River is much easier to canoe on than MO (but not enough so that Hill didn't tip). Full details can be found on my picture page.
- We went to the Dells for Mandy's bachelorette party, and I learned that the lake just up and disappeared. It reminds me of that story where the ducks sat on this pond and it froze and they took it with them when they flew away. Also, tons of stories here.
- Over the past several months, I've had numerous job interviews. However, none really panned out. While "they all really like me and were impressed by me," no one wants to either fork over the cash or to make the committment on someone who is still so "inexperienced." I'm wondering at what age I will finally be considered experienced. Anyway, I have decided to chill for awhile and make the most of my job. I haven't given up, just taking a time out, if you will.
- I got a new do. And, if you haven't seen the pics, it's all the rage. Obviously, I will have to rock this for awhile.
- I've ran into Laurel twice at the gym and decided to pretend like I didn't see her both times.
I know there are many other stories, but it is late and I just can't remember them at the moment. I do remember Jeana specifically requested that I write about something in particular but still my mind is blank.
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