Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Newbie Cab Driver

Everyone always gives me crap for directing my cab drivers around the city, but I just can't help. For one, I don't want them taking a longer route in an effort to charge me more. And for two, I simply can't stand it when other people are driving and they take the long route or aren't aggressive. Becca has pointed out that this is just one of the many ways in which I am a type A personality. Perhaps she is right.

Nevertheless, my directional skills came in quite handy this weekend. Friday night I went costume shopping with Jeana up on Belmont. After several hours it began raining really hard, but we managed to snag a cab for our ride home. Jeana hopped in and told the cab drive to head to Western and St. Charles - when he seemed confused she switched it to Western and Fullerton.

A little background - Western and Fullerton are two of the largest and most well-known streets in the entire city, or at least in North or West Chicago, and anyone who has lived there for at least 6 months knows where they are (I mean Becca even knows). He still seemed confused. So, I asked him if he needed help, to which he responded yes. The funny part is that even though I gave him directions, he was having trouble following them, so we had to keep making adjustments. It seemed like the three ways were throwing him off, so I asked him if he was new to the city.

While not new to Chicago, he was a new cab driver. He'd been on the job about a week and spent most of his time in the Loop. And, his house was way up north by Loyola.

On the way to my house from Jeana's, I had him make a left turn onto North at the Milwakee/Damen intersection. Again, he was extremely nervous and then feared he would get a ticket for being in the intersection as the light turned red. I assured him that he was in the right because it's legal to sit in the intersection when turning left and that he wouldn't get a ticket.

Once we arrived at my house, he accidentally deleted the fair charge before he had asked me for the money. Being a firm believer in good karma (and because I felt a little sorry for him), I just paid him what we gave the cabbie on our way up to Belmont. He thanked me for the fair... and then asked for directions back to Western (which apparently he was now ok with). At this point I was struggling not to laugh, but I gave him the directions and ran inside.

So to all those naysayers, I know one cab driver (actually this makes 3 now) who was very grateful that I was able to give directions. Jeana actually thought he should've given me money for learning some shortcuts.

Side note: he watched to make sure I made it in safe, which is something I appreciate from them but that few seem to do anymore - maybe this is because I seem a little more wise than when I moved here 3 years ago, or maybe many just don't care.

Another side note: I can't believe Chicago has passed LA and NY to become the murder capital this year. And, I can't believe Jennifer Hudson's family was shot and that her nephew is still missing - the fact that he's missing makes me think it could be for money, but who knows. Hopefully, he will be returned safely.