I called Luda tonight during our respective commutes (her walking, me driving). She was just finishing up telling me how she was going to go pick up her laundry tonight because she now pays to have it done for her up in Wrigley because it's 40 cents cheaper per pound up there (it may seem ridiculous to pay someone to do your laundry for you, but I've highly considered it in some of my past apartments). Anyways, she gets to her car only to find it's not there. Clearly, her first thought is that someone stole it. Mine is that no one would bother to steal The Neon and that it's been towed. She says that's not possible because there are no signs. 15 minutes later she calls to ask for a ride to the impound lot - she swears it will only take 10 minutes.
When she gets in the car I ask her ot read through her mapquest directions because I have learned all to well from my past that you should never blindly trust mapquest. The end destination is 440 E. Lower Wacker. Piece of cake I say, although I don't recall seeing a tow place anywhere down there.
Lesson #1, when things like this sound too easy to be true, then they are.
We head down lower wacker, past 200 E, past 300 E, (reading every sign along the way) and then pass right onto Lakeshore. Huh, that's weird. There is nothing past 300.
So we try it again (going slower) assuming we must have missed it. Nope, there really isn't anything over 330 and anything other than parking garages or hotel entrances. (I knew I hadn't seen any down there)
Now we resort to calling the tow place. Their first question to us is where are we. Lower wacker heading west. Well, you need to head east. Obviously, but we still didn't see it. Well, what level were you on. Lower Wacker! but, which level. Which level? Yes there are 3. Three? There are three levels? Yes, there are three levels of Wacker - 2 are lower wacker and we are on the bottom. Huh, well, I guess we're only on the middle then.
I wish I could say that their directions helped. Unfortunately it took 4o more minutes, 2 more phone calls, one police inquiry, reading a map (thanks mom for putting it in the glove box), and me blindly turning down a truck route until we found it.
There really are 3 levels to Wacker. And, there really is a tow company down there. And, I guess this city really does have an enitre underground network - I found the bus lane last week fascinating.
Lesson #2, don't ever trust mapquest, especially when it is to a remote location.
After dropping her off I finally made it out of the maze and back home safe and sound, only to get a phone call from Luda saying she left her keys in my car.
Lesson #3, 10 minutes really means 2 hours.
Side note: Becca reminded me how when we were young we used to think it was crazy when mom would get lost on Wacker drive for an hour at a time. It did seem crazy then, but I suppose it doesn't now.
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