I can’t quite believe my own eyes – the gas station near me is actually under $2. Who would have ever thought!
Speaking of gas prices lowering…
Sunday night I went out w/ Jeana and Guti to watch the Bears game. Even though I had work in the morning, I decided to stay out till about 12:30 or so. In an effort to be safe (and save time) I grabbed a cab home.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I have numerous, numerous cab stories. I just can’t help myself from talking to them when I’m alone in the car – they always have such great stories. On this night, the cab drive actually initiated the conversation. He was concerned with whether I had to wait a long time for a cab. Reason being, apparently the cabs had decided to go on another strike.
This was news to me. I hadn't heard about the strike - I guess I'd been out of town for the Holidays, and I had no problem getting a cab that night. So, I asked him what it was about "this" time.
Higher fares.
A yes, I'd heard about how you guys were mad about the gas surcharge being dropped.
Well yes, it simply isn't fair. We don't make enough to make ends meet.
Ah, but that is truly a problem of fare price, not a gas surcharge - you can't very well expect people to pay a gas surcharge when the price has fallen over $2.50 in the last 2 months.
But we don't make enough money.
O, I don't doubt that. But, you see sir, that is where you guys made your mistake. You never should have asked for surcharge based on gas hardships, you should have asked for increased rates.
True, true.
And, actually, the real root of your problem is that you have no unity. I mean, take you for example, why are you even working tonight. If you guys are going to have a strike, you need to have a strike. People would stop and listen if they had no cabs for a week straight. Hell, it would probably only take a day, or one weekend.
But that is difficult. One company says strike and another doesn't. So, if you strike you're losing money.
Well, then you need a union. Why don't you guys have a union?
I know! That is what I've been saying!
Well, doesn't NY and LA have taxi cab unions? Besides, Chicago is a city that's known for their unions. You guys definitely need to get a union.
But how would you get a union. It's just not that simple.
Sure it is. All you need is one person to rally behind. One person that everyone can relate to and that everyone feels they can trust. (I think I was drawing inspiration at this point from one of my favorite childhood movies, Newsies - and I can't believe I just admitted that)
Hmm. That is a good point, but who would you get to do that.
Well, what about you. You are a capable man. I think you could lead a union just fine. O, this is my stop now, I need to get going.
So, what do you do for a living, you seem to know a lot about this.
O, not really. I do marketing.
Marketing, so then you do know a lot about this sort of thing. (and he was being serious)
O sure, I know a lot about PR and how you guys can appeal to the public. (I know a lot of things when I've been drinking...)
So, what about you? Why don't you help lead our union? Do you have a card or something that I could contact you?
Of course I do! Here is my business card (I have been waiting 2 years for a reason to use these!). Feel free to call or email me any time.
And that my friends, is how I intend to solve the world's problems - one issue, one man at a time. Give me a couple of drinks, and I have answers for everything, especially if I have been under the influence of J May for several days (remind me to tell you about how I pretended to be an undercover cop). One day though, the Chicago cabs will have a union and I will be able to look back on this memory with a faint sense of pride.
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