As I was coming out of the bathroom yesterday, I ran into Rhonda in the hallway, and she almost seemed startled to see me. We walk a few steps and she turns to me and says, “I have a question for you…”
Now, there was a time when these kinds of phrases from Rhonda truly terrified me. Not because I am afraid of her, but because one never truly knows just what will come out of her mouth at any given moment. In the past, these comments usually had some negative, unforeseeable consequence for me. But, as of late, they’ve simply been something trivial that she asked in that way for effect.
So, in a confident and casual way I say, “Ok... What’s your question?”
“Do you hate it here?!?”
Now while I've learned to expect anything and everything from Roro, this one caught me a little off guard - not because I haven't said this approximately 1000 times, but because I can't believe that a.) she is actually asking me this randomly in the hallway and b.)I actually don't really hate it here anymore (no thanks to her, but who's counting).
Keeping these 2 points in mind, I had a hard time not laughing at the question. But, I managed to pull myself together and simply reply, "No, of course not - why on earth would you think that." (Although it's possible I might have been smiling a little.)
"Because someone just told me that you hate it here. And, they were completely serious."
"Hmm... that's odd. I wonder why someone would say that... well, who did say that?"
Obviously at this point I had about 100 different things running through my head - who busted me out? was it someone that I actually discuss work with? or someone that overheard me talking about it with someone else? or someone who just inferred from my scornful and resentful body language for that 6 month period? and, why on earth is Rhonda actually asking me about this? what would she say if I told her that I did hate it, but not really so much anymore?
Anyway, she responds that it isn't important who told her. Point is did I say it.
Touche Roro, touche. You got me. "No, no, of course I don't hate it here. I really don't know where anyone would get that from." (Of course I don't hate it - I need to keep this job, any job in this economy).
Her response was that I should really be more careful when I talk to gossipy people.
And that was that. For the rest of the day she went back to normal and simply pretended like our conversation never happened. Meanwhile I went over the likely suspects of who ratted me out and discussed the situation with 2 allies I still felt were trustworthy. After much speculation I was still no where near any solid leads.
Just as I was packing up for the day, Rhonda came back to my desk and says in her whiniest voice, "So, you really don't hate it here?"
"No. I don't hate it here." I was a little more direct/short this time because after a full days analysis with no solid leads, I was just annoyed and no longer amused.
"Did you maybe say you hate it here?"
"No! I never said that. I don't know why someone would say that I did." (I mean, do you have me on video recorder. Jesus. Am I under oath here? And what difference does it make - don't I still produce quality work?)
"Well then, it's probably just one of those nasty rumors spread by the gossip mil."
(The gossip mil? Why, that's me. I think I'm probably the chief proponent of the gossip mil - correction, I'm probably the chief gossiper under the age of 35. In fact, this is one of the reasons why I no longer hate the job. That's not bad is it?)
"Ah yes, those rumors. I'm sure that's it."
"Yeah, no one likes rumors, especially not about their self. And, I don't like hearing rumors like that. They really bother me."
O of course not, because then you might actually have to consider why I hate it and what part you might play in that.
Just kidding. If she actually cared she would have brought me into a conference room and actually asked me this like an adult rather than accosting me in the hallway. She simply did this to see what reaction I would have and to make me uneasy. And, I've decided if she brings it up again, this will be my new response!
Oh, I do hope she asks again...after a week or two when something interesting needs to happen. Side note...have you ever googled rhonda? And PS who came up w/ the awesome nickname "Roro"?
I wouldn't be surprised. Yesterday she basically through a tantrum in a meeting of 10 people and stormed out dragging poor Lindsey with her. And then she went into Lynn's office (her boss) yelling about the whole situation and demanding that her offender apologize. Seriously, this happened.
I hadn't ever googled her, but I just did and unfortunately nothing good came up. And, I'm not sure if it was Luda or I who came up with Roro. We had quite a few nicknames around there and I was never sure who was the originator. Roro is the only one I ever really use anymore, except today I did accidentally refer to this former employee (Tina) as Totts and no one knew who the hell I was talking about. It was a little difficult trying to back track on that one.
It was me. I told her that you hated it here. I also told her that you call her Roro.
I had to. She told me she'd stop walking around barefoot if I fessed up.
Actually, I miss Totts and TJ.
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