Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Frere Jacques - Are You Sleeping

To the tune of Frere Jacques...

Where is RoRo, Where is RoRo?
In the Mother's Room, In the Mother's Room.
Her telephone is ringing, Her telephone is ringing,
Ding, dong, dong. Ding, dong, dong.

She has been sleeping in there since I left for lunch over 2 hours ago. Now how could I possibly hate this place when I have entertainment and inspiration like this right at my fingertips!


Hillabean said...

i can't get over how absurd this woman is!

The Becca Machine said...

What on EARTH is the "Mother's Room" this place seems almost overwhelmingly more odd than RoRo

Deb said...

Please, did you actually consider the full meaning of your words before you said them?

Ok, the Mother's Room is odd. It's essentially a meeting room that has been turned into the marketing storage room, a room for people to pray, and a room for women to breastfeed. Yes, this small little room has a multitude of bizarre purposes...

The Becca Machine said...

I have power and I'm back