Sunday, May 31, 2009

You just don’t see that in New York

I figured my last post deserved an entire entry. Actually, my entire day yesterday deserves an entry…

Luda was back in town this weekend from New York. Yesterday afternoon we decided to grab dinner and drinks at the Boundary, and since it was gorgeous out we obviously sat on the patio. Just as we began eating, two men walked in with their extremely large dog. It was taller than our table and made right for out tator tots (and why wouldn't he), and the owner seemed to struggle a little to hold him back. My first thought was that it looked like a damn wolf, but this was quickly dismissed because no one has wolves in the city and they certainly wouldn't bring them to a bar full of people if they did.

After awhile some random girl bent down to pet him. What caught my attention was her saying "oh look, the little wolfy has some bacon." Wolfy? What do you mean wolfy? Does she think he looks like a wolf since he is really too large for a Sheppard or does she know something I don't? I decided to clear things up and just ask the owner.

"So that's a German Sheppard right?"

"It's 25% Sheppard."

"O, what's the other 75%?"

"Wolf." Wow, that really clears it up.

Our conversation was cut short because the "dog" jumped up to chase after some poor random man on the sidewalk. The look on my face must have been priceless though, and the friend informed me that the dog was purchased for $1,000 from a local breeder. While I've never looked into purchasing a dog or wolf, this actually seems like a fairly reasonable price.

All in all, the wolf was actually pretty well behaved, especially considering it should be a wild animal. The only real problem was that for some reason unbeknownst to me the owner refused to hold its leash, so it would try to chase people/dogs from time to time.

Shortly after the wolf discovery, I witnessed money falling from the sky. Literally. So I kept an eye out, and the second time it happened I saw three people throwing money out of their second story apartment window. Kristie's theory was that these people had a lengthy debate about what people would do if they saw money falling from the sky and so they decided to "make it rain." I believe they used singles, so no huge monetary investment was made in this little experiment. I have to admit, I was a little jealous that I hadn't come up with the idea and that I only live on the first floor so I won't be able to recreate it.

Side note: I have a new favorite summer drink thanks to our fabulous waiter – the John Daly, which is an Arnold Palmer with alcohol. Kristie's smoking buddy informed her that it is named after a drunk golfer. You should really check it out.


Samantha said...

You know for some strange reason I decided to do a little e-stalking on your blog and I find this gem.

What? An actual wolf/dog?