Monday, January 18, 2010

It all makes sense...

So, me and my new friend go outside and begin chatting about the usual things. You know, where I’m from, what I do, yada, yada, yada. And then, being the good conversationalist that I am, I turned the conversation to him. “So, where are you from? Here?”

“Well, originally I’m from here, but right now I’m living in Surrey. But I still work here some."

“O, really, where do you work?”

“Well, NOW, I’m a chef around here.” Something about the way he said NOW really had me curious. “so, what did you do before?”

“Before? Before I used to sling rock, strapped with an M16, right here on these streets."

“O, you used to sling rock… did you say with an M16?”

“Yeah, I used to sling rock with an M16. These streets are rough around here. It’s a rough life dealing.”  Jesus, where are we right now? Is it even safe for me to be standing outside this bar right now? Am I going to get shot? (Side note: Just to clarify, this guy had a sexy, almost Irish accent, so I still wasn’t completely turned off by this.)

“But, you don’t sell anymore though, right?

“No, no. That was actually why I moved to Surrey. I just had to get out of here, you know. I don’t even know how I ended up in that situation. I think it was the money originally, but then you just kind of get caught up in the life you know.”

“Yes, I could see how that would happen. I’m glad that you don’t do it anymore though.”

“Yeah – I just found myself spiraling downward. And, I guess I didn’t even realize it until I hit rock bottom – I was nearly shot to death.”

“O, my God, that’s terrible! Well, I’m really glad you’re not doing that anymore. So, you’re a chef now? How do you like that?”

“O, I like it. Really, I’m just trying to save enough money to get away from it all. I want to travel – to see the world."

“I looove travelling – I think it’s probably the one thing I love most.”

“Where else have you travelled?”

“O, all over. I’ve been to Europe, Asia, and Canada (smile).”

“Really? I haven’t been anywhere. What was your favorite place?”

“Thailand. It is hands down the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.”

“Wow, that sounds awesome. “ there is a long pause “you should travel the world with me.”

“Now that would be awesome. In fact, that is my life goal. But, unfortunately I really don’t have the money for that.”

“You don’t need any money. I will pay for everything. I want you to come with me.”

“That definitely does sound appealing…”

“It’s settled then. In a year or so when I have enough money we’ll travel the world.”

“It’s too bad I don’t live here.”

“Where do you live again?”

“Chicago. It’s a great city.”

“Well that could be nice for awhile… hmm… I wonder how I’ll find you.” (In my head I’m thinking phones are the obvious answer.) “I guess if it’s mean to be, it will be.”

Or that, “Yes, if it’s meant to be it will be.”

“O, and there’s always Face book! Are you on Facebook?”

Ah yes, the old Facebook, “yes, of course I’m on Facebook.”

“Well, it’s settled then. We’ll go to Thailand and travel the world as soon as I have enough money.”


And we then went our separate ways. Looking back, my first question is how on earth he would ever save enough money on a chef’s salary – but I suppose if I think about it I can answer my own question. I also love that Facebook was the answer to all our problems – even though I never gave him my name, or at least not my full name. With that being said, I wouldn’t have been overly surprised to find an new friend request waiting in my inbox for me when I got home, I mean it is me we’re talking about.


Samantha said...

Please continue this... I mean think of what your life would have been like if you went with that guy around the world.

Deb said...

Ha - I kind of forgot I started this :-)

Deb said...

Ugh, and somehow I deleted the first half when adding this!!!

Samantha said...

Haha...this story is great!

The Becca Machine said...

there aren't a lot of "Deb's" in Chicago. it probably wouldn't take but a few hours to find you if he was dedicated