Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Pup

Keeping in spirit with my last post, I've decided to make a couple changes to my blog. I think my new blog caption summarizes my life right now quite well. I feel like now more than ever, I am making a conscious effort to do what's right, but often find myself in the later situation of trying to make my decision right. However, this seems to happen less and less often, and even the wondering of whether something was the right decision is happening less often. With that being said, this weekend found me in a couple of situations I've been trying to make right – most noteworthy being Maddie.

Sunday afternoon my roommate Laurel ran into a little girl who found a puppy in the alley behind our house. Laurel immediately fell in love and asked what we thought. Hill too jumped right on board, but they both looked to me to be the primary person for the dog. I said that I would give it a shot - a week to be exact. The dog is adorable and makes me laugh every time I look at her. But, all of the concerns I have had over getting a puppy have proven true. I don't like the added mess, Laurel still seems to do nothing to help, and I feel like I'm butting heads over certain behavioral issues, such as the cage. And, most importantly, I work long hours (or long hours when you figure in the commute) and it makes it difficult to spend the amount of time needed to train a puppy. So, now we're trying to figure out what to do. We all love and want to keep her, but I'm just not sure it's the Best Decision for anyone.

P.S. I'll post a picture later because I'm sure we'll still have her. I have a feeling she is here to stay...


The Becca Machine said...

and they say that tauruses are stubborn creative types. maybe i will train the puppy next weekend if you still hav eit

gm said...

Awwwhh, damnit, I want a dog.