Monday, November 05, 2007

It’s amazing what kind of dirt you can find out about your family when bottles of wine are involved.

My weekend was great. It was extremely relaxing because I basically had the apartment to myself (with the occasional exception of drunken Laurel showing up). I suppose I needed this though because I was quite crabby after my weeklong stance of working and drinking in Baltimore. It is truly amazing how much drinking can be involved on a work trip, especially since very little of it was initiated by me.

Anyway, I woke up early yesterday and cleaned the bathrooms (which were repulsive), did laundry, and then watched the real housewives of orange county. After 2 hours of this I felt useless and decided that I would have a mini dinner party for my uncle Jim and his boyfriend Steve. Three bottles of wine later my uncle was spilling dirt on pretty much everyone. I also learned the story of how him and Steve met, which was entertaining yet boarding on TMI.

I spoke to my uncle today and he told me he woke up with a huge headache. Fun times, fun times. Not quite detox, but still better than my usual Sunday Fundays.