Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Latest Drama

I realize that I haven't written in a long time. In all honesty, I just feel extremely busy all of the time, and even a little overwhelmed. I've been busy looking for new jobs, working part-time for George, and moving.

Thankfully a small piece is almost over. Becca officially moved in with me this weekend. I'm quite glad to have her here, and I'm extremely happy that everyone and everything is out of that last apartment and we no longer have to deal with that crap. Or, so I thought...

A little back story: throughout the course of the past year we have had several problems with our apartment and with our landlord. These have ranged from leaking roof (twice), to broken washer (which I paid the repair guys $40 to fix b/c the landlord didn't want to be there), broken dishwasher rent issues (he always cashes our checks whenever he felt like it and one month swore my check never got there - even though it was sent directly from my bank and he managed to locate it when he actually came to pick up my rent in person) and, my personal favorite, the rats. Most of these problems have created some sort of friction (not surprising). One of the biggest the problems stem from the fact that our landlord is infatuated/in love with the roommate that we all hate (Laurel). With that being said, I will admit that I got a little petty and vindictive with this girl before we moved out, so I imagine she is partly responsible for the following story...

hree days before we moved out our landlord sent his people over to put in screens in our bedroom window (screens that we had been asking about for literally 6 months, screens that were only taken out so that he could measure them for Laurel's bedroom??). Anyways, when they did it, they didn't bother to move my desk that was sitting in front of it and they ended up chipping it and scratching it. Being that the desk was brand new and that they are always careless when they come over (like leaving a dead rat in the kitchen while repairing the sink), I was obviously annoyed and wanted compensation.

Well, I discussed the whole thing with some people at work about how to handle it. Their suggestion was to email him informing him of the situation and saying that I would like him to include an additional $100 in my security deposit, and then I asked him to call me as soon as he could. I followed up with him the next day over my lunch break. He finally called back and said he'd gotten my message but was confused. Confused about what @sswhole - I explained it in detail? Confused about why your men can't do anything correctly?

So, I went over it all again, and he said that was fine and that he would be at the apartment on that Friday to take a walk through and would look at the desk and we'd go from there. And that he would leave the security deposits that day. I said that was totally fine and just to call me when he looked at it. And, all of this is after an extremely rude email he sent 2 weeks ago about vacating on time and needing to hire someone to clean the place after us.

Well, he didn't come over either day. and, I need the security deposit to pay here. So, I left a voicemail yesterday afternoon simply stating that I would like to come pick up the security deposit at his office since he didn't show up last week and asked that he call me back to let me know when this might be possible.

He doesn't bother to call me back, but does decide to text me at 9:50 at night telling me that he will mail my security deposit, minus any damages, after he has done a walk through. I text back that I would prefer to pick it up in case it gets lost in the mail. He texts back that I should consult my lease regarding security deposits.

So, I call him again and say that my lease is packed, would he please just let me know what he's doing. So, he says he'll do a walk through, send us a letter explaining damages and estimated costs and then will send the check within 45 days. I then ask, so you're going to do the walk through soon, and then we shouldn't really expect the deposit back for another 40 days or so. He then tells me that I should check gooogle for the policy. I said that was fine, that I didn't realize his lease was online.

So, then he gets really rude and tells me that he just didn't appreciate how I handled the whole situation with the desk and that I've just been extremely rude and that he has been a landlord for years and that he knows how to get back at people who rub him the wrong way. I said, I didn't realize that I handled it poorly; I simply sent him an email stating what happened and that I wanted to talk to him about it. I then asked if he was still going to pay for it. He says that's fine, you just send pictures whenever you can get around to along with estimated damages. I said that I already have them and that I offered them last week, but that i was waiting because he said he wanted to come look at it to access the damage in person, which I thought made sense.

Then he gets huffy and says he have every right to look at the damage, especially when I'm still living in his house. I again say that I thought that made sense and was waiting for him to do so before doing anything else. And that I never know how to discuss any issues with him and that for some reason over the past 6 months anytime there is a problem it's blown way out of proportion and I don't know how I'm supposed to get around that. He asked what had gone wrong over the past 6 months so I said, well, you just said that I've been rude to you all along and disrespectful. He didn't say anything. so then I said, O, is the desk the first problem you've had with me then?

He then gets huffy and quickly says he doesn't have time to talk right now b/c he is on family time. I told him that was fine, but that he was the one who text me and who didn't return my call during business hours. He says, you just get your legal documents together about the desk and I will get mine, and we'll go from there.

I honestly tried to be very professional and not rude about the whole desk b/c I was afraid this would happen. I also want to point out that both Hillary and I have made improvements to his apartment, which total $70. I imagine that whatever I estimate the desk being, he will find the same amount of damage in my apartment (you know how paint touch ups can ad up). I guess I should've just let the whole thing go, but I didn't think it was right or fair. And, I had contacted him 2 separate times about the security deposit and he never once contacted me back. And, I was concerned about this issue because he would always cash our rent checks whenever he felt like it throughout the course of the month. It's amazing how rude and unprofessional people can be.

O well, I suppose this is just another life lesson....


Samantha said...

this it really just only happens to you...

now get back to work.

you are wasting valuable company time.
