Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chump Change

I hate, hate, hate getting waxed. I hate that it hurts; I hate that it takes time out of my busy life; and I hate most how much it costs. But, what I hate more than this are the ugly little hairs that I have if I don't wax. Damn my Westfall genes - Becca has none of this (although she does have her fair share of genetic misfortunes from my mom's side).

For the past 3 years (about the time my chin hair really started to appear) all I have wanted was to get laser hair removal. Problem is, that costs several thousand dollars. Tonight, walking home from Trim, it finally dawned on me that 2-3 years of regular waxing would actually pay for laser removal, and after that I would basically be saving money.

Now if only I could find a spare $2500...


The Becca Machine said...

i always thought the same would be with lasic if you figured all the expensive bottles of hydrogen peroxide solution i have to buy. you could always marry a gay beauticianist who specializes in laser therapy