"In the constant pursuit of albino squirrel rights."
After three weeks of silence, RoRo finally broke her vow of silence (and just in time because I really couldn't take much more). Now what brought on this vow of silence is a whole other story, for a whole other day. Today's tale is of what broke the silence…
R wrote a long email today trying to explain the relationships with have with a variety of new societies, all with acronyms using the letters P, S, A, and N. Naturally, I told her the email was extremely confusing and that no one could possibly keep it all straight. She agreed and then informed me that there is actually another society using the acronym ASPS, the Albino Squirrel Preservation Society.
This name started to bring up some distant memories, but all I could manage was "o really." She took this to be excitement and continued that it was started by some college kids somewhere with too much time on their hands.
"Huh… college kids…" the memory is becoming clearer
Rhonda oblivious to my expression says, "Yeah, I think somewhere in Texas," and begins searching on her computer to find it.
"Texas? Really?… because I'm pretty sure I'm an honorary member of it and that my friends started it."
Now this got her attention.
"What do you mean you're a member? You mean you've heard of this club? You actually belong to the Albino Squirrel Preservation Society."
"Well, yeah."
Now she was just confused and decided to go back to trying to find the organization (I think she was probably trying to prove that I wasn't actually a member of that ASPS). After little searching she found the website, and she found that Illinois State University did indeed have a charter, or at least at one time.
Meanwhile, I was doing my own searching and came across a Daily Vidette article about ISU's Squirrel Master, Rob Hoover. Obviously I sent her the link… along with ISUFU.
At this point, Rhonda's only response was, "wow, I really don't know what to say."
"Well, you see my friend Rob decided to start a new organization after the success of ISUFU, which I was also a member of. And, I was really just an honorary member – I think I owned a t-shirt or something. "
"O yeah, those are on the website too." After a bit more reading she said, "You know, you should found your own charter so you could put ASPS President next to your name."
And that my friends, is why Rhonda gets paid the big bucks. I think that's an excellent idea and I just might follow through with it. I'm only sorry that I didn't come up with it myself. Plus, I feel like the title of "ASPS President" will surely warrant a window seat!
What the hell????
Which part?
and if you do become president you should make a t-shirt that says that and wear it to work
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