Wednesday, April 01, 2009

First pot pies, now potholes

WGN covered a story this morning where KFC has offered to fill Chicago's potholes as part of an ad campaign and goodwell gesture. But, the city is passing on the offer for the time being because they don't want advertising on our streets or sidewalks. Really? WHO CARES? First of alll, every winter this city's streets become corroded and it's a daily battle to keep your tires & shocks in tact. City crews can't seem to keep up with the demand, or they simply do a poor job so they need to be refilled 4 times a year. There is spot underneath the Ashland viaduct that has honestly been filled in 4 separate times in the last year - and they're worried about the quality that KFC would do? Plus, in a city/state that is constantly in a budget crisis wouldn't you take the extra FREE help?

But what do I know...